NFT: Digital Artwork & Collectibles on the Ethereum Blockchain

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✨ The Adaptive: The 5000 ✨
Featured Artist: The Adaptive
The Adaptive: The 5000


In May 2021, the digital artist known as Duncan Blaise set out to create and launch a new work of art that incorporates the works of 5000 of the greatest artists on the planet.

The “Adaptive” will incorporate 5000 (one-of-one) original art pieces from both established and up-and-coming artists into ✨"The Adaptive"✨.

Each “Adaptive token” entitles the artist to submit an original one of one creation where the pixel number equates to the token edition number within the “Adaptive”.

The Adaptive will give established and up-and-coming artists the opportunity to record their work in ✨“The Adaptive”✨.

✨“The Adaptive”✨ will record the thoughts and feelings of an entire generation. Your work is preserved for prosperity.

We are in the final stages of signing some key non disclosures, additional dates, and details to be released shortly. Stay tuned for additional dates and information.

The Adaptive: The 5000


The Adaptive from Maritime Vintage

Imagination Gremlin

Featured Artist: Breagha:

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NFT: Digital Artwork & Collectibles on the Ethereum Blockchain Art by Breagha

NFT Token: Artist Proof

Little Singularity

by Sophia the AI robot x Andreas Bonaceto

Click to Bid

Rocking with the Beatles

Featured Artist: Duncan Blaise:

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Rocking with the Beatles NFT Crypto Art

NFT Token: Artist Proof

By: Maritime Vintage

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NFT Artists and collectables from Maritime Vintage

NFT Token: Brown Egg Photo Shoot

Artist:  Duncan Blaise

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NFT Brown Egg Photo Shoot

Marius Sperlich’s:  You Only Loved Me When We Were High Collection

Gone to the Vault for Storage

In the vault for now


Grimes:  Newborn 2 By Grimes x Mac.

The Crypto Queen

Gone to the Vault for Storage

In the vault for now

 Grimes Newborn 2 By Grimes x Mac. NFT

NFT Token: Snow White Playing Shy

By Maritime Vintage

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NFT Token: Snow White Playing Shy

NFT Crypto Tokens from your favorite artists:

NFT Crypto Art Rat Rod Dreams NFT Crypto Art Rocking with the Beatles NFT Crypto Art Snow White
Wallstreetbets NFT Token  Tesla NFT Kobi NFT
NFT Art and Collectables NFT Adaptor NFT Crypto Art Beatles
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