The 2nd Great NFT Migration is Upon Us
The 2nd Great NFT Migration is Upon Us
Many brands have been concerned with the pushback they are receiving from their traditional customers on the environmental impacts of mining Ethereum. That is changing with Ethereum’s move to a “proof of stake” validation method.
It is estimated that Switching to “proof of stake” will slash Ethereum’s energy usage by 99% or more. Paving the way for many brands that have been sitting on the NFT sidelines to start dipping their toes in the water. 🧵👇(2)
Once Ethereum’s Merge is completed (mid-Sept) we will begin to see traditional brands begin to announce and implement the NFT strategies & blockchain use cases they have been working on for the past two years. 🧵👇(3)
This 2nd Great NFT Migration will open the door to many new NFT project launches that do not rely on the typical NFT Avatar/Land models that have been successful to date. 🧵👇(4)
An early adopter in this space is Nike/RTF
KT with the launch of the new NFT/RFID/Street Wear Clone X clothing line this week. The Fashion industry has been an early adopter of the blockchain & created some unique NFT use cases. 🧵👇(5)
Recent NFT launches from fashion brands like Tiffany & Co, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Gucci, & Dolce Gabbana have shown that sales of hundreds of millions of dollars of NFTs are possible in Web 3.0 & have ushered in what will be known as the 2nd Great NFT Migration. 🧵👇(6)
This is good news for existing NFT projects that have been operating in a bear market over the summer. As new NFT use cases are created and brands begin to onboard their existing customers, the second great wave of development & funding will enter the NFT space. 🧵👇(7)
The 2nd Great NFT Migration is Upon Us 🧵👇(8)
So keep your eyes open for some of the new use cases that brands will launch on the blockchain. There will be many opportunities to find that 1 dollar
RTFKT x Jeff Staple

Meta-Pigeon that turns into a multi-million-dollar brand empire. 🧵👇(9)
“Long may your big jib draw.” - Art by Blaise
The 🍌🐀 has spoken. 🧵👇(10)

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