Detail is important when building your Metaverse persona. - 🍌🐀

Detail is important when building your Metaverse persona. - 🍌🐀  

Remember your internet persona is your Personal Brand.

For the creation of the Banana Rats persona, I relied heavily on methods used by Chuck Jones while working on Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, and Pixar's "22 Golden Rules of Storytelling."  

Personal Branding with The Banana Rat

🧵👇 (1/17) 

The 9 unbreakable rules of the Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner universe  

in particular, informed the creation of the Banana Rat and his🍌🐀characteristics.  

The Banana Rat's Personal Branding Tips


Jones's list is great in its simplicity. It is a roadmap on how to create a great brand persona for your Metaverse character.  


Use Jones's framework as a resource when laying the groundwork for your branded character persona.   


This breakdown comes from the autobiography of former Looney Tunes animation director Chuck Jones, Chuck Amuck: The Life and Times of an Animated Cartoonist (1999).   


Remember detail is important when building your Metaverse persona. And Chuck Jones's framework shows you the "how".  


The 9 unbreakable rules of the Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner Universe: ⬇️ 


Rule 1: The Road Runner cannot harm the coyote  
except by going “beep-beep”. 

 🧵👇 (8/17) 

Rule 2: No outside force can harm the coyote—only his own ineptitude or the failure of the Acme products.  


Rule 3: The Coyote could stop anytime—if he were not  

a fanatic - “a fanatic is one who redoubles his effort when he has forgotten his aim.”  


Rule 4: No dialogue ever, except “beep-beep”.  


Rule 5: The Road Runner must stay on the road—otherwise logically, he would not be called a road runner.  


Rule 6: All action must be confined to the natural environment  
of the two characters—the Southwest American desert  


Rule 7: All materials, tools, weapons, or mechanical conveniences must be obtained from the Acme corporation. 


Rule 8: Whenever possible, make gravity the coyote’s greatest enemy. 

🧵👇 (15/17)  

Rule 9: The coyote is always more humiliated than harmed by his failures. 


Maritime Vintage Branding Tips

The 🍌🐀 finds "The Rules of Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote Cartoons" to be a handy method/framework.  

It was very beneficial in creating the creation of the🍌🐀 persona and may be helpful to you as well. Also, take a look at Pixar's "22 Golden Rules of Storytelling. 

The 🍌🐀has spoken. 


The Banana Rat


The Banana Rat's Personal Branding Tips



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